

Hi, how is your summer going?
Recently I am not sleeping well at night. I am normally a good sleeper, so this comes new to me. There is something magic though about founding oneself in the balcony in the middle of the night, in a complete silence where I can finally hear my own thoughts.
I realize night time is the only moment I can totally have for myself.
I listen to music, read lots of interviews on the net, continue my books, do all the things I rarely find time to do in the usual everyday routine.
I realized that maybe my body is doing this in order for me to find myself back again. Maybe is part of a subconscious slowing down plan, listen to my inner voice rather than continue rushing things and running after everyone (especially a little 4 years old in the house who's keeping me very busy all day long).

On the 10th of august, la notte di San Lorenzo, I searched the sky for shooting stars but did not see any.
Although the maximum of the Perseids stars will be visible between 12 and 13 August, the predictions were, in fact, that on the 10th of august there would be abundant bright light showers (also with the help of the light from the moon), which would soon fade, leaving the sky lit only by billions of stars. And if the sky were filled with clouds, it would be helpful enough to have a small transistor radio tuned to a distant FM station to perceive the passage of the shooting stars. Apparently, the radio signal normally distorted, it suddenly becomes clear after being bounced against the luminous trail of ionized gas, left behind the meteors passing through the Earth's atmosphere.
Wish I had a small radio here with me to try this out.

Ok, I did not see any of it, but nevertherless I was up till 6 a.m. and saw the light of the new day coming slowly through the horizon.  In the fresh night breeze. Total silence. Absolutely beautiful.
I am sure I cannot keep up much longer with this no-sleep mode, but I try to enjoy my private nights as much as i can for now.


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