
♥ grANny cHic ♥

"Smothered" by Nina Saunders* - photo Red Saunders
old english roses bouth from my favorit flower shop
lovely very french wallpaper at a friend's house in France (1994) & my lovely man
found in our holiday home in Tuscany

Spring is the time of the year when my love for flowers comes out as loud as it can, and as far as flowers go I have a bit of a granny taste: english roses, blue hydrangeas, purple wisterias... That is the time when my oldest china pops out for the afternoon tea, whilst my minimal ware rest a little in the cupboards for a change. At this time of the year -watch out!- I might wear soft romantic flowery dresses, lace collars and cover the whole house in huge flowery wall paper.
Are you also a bit "granny chic" at heart?
 {La primavera e' il periodo dell'anno in cui il mio amore per i fiori prende il sopravvento, e quando si tratta di fiori ho gusti alquanto "antichi", diciamo pure gusti da nonna : rose inglesi, ortensie blu, glicine viola... Questi sono i momenti in cui le mie porcellane antiche fanno capolino per il te del pomeriggio mentre le ceramiche minimali -per cambiare- si riposano in credenza. In questo periodo dell'anno -attenzione!-  comincerei ad indossare romantici vestitini a rose, colletti di pizzo e quasi rivestirei la casa in carta da parati a fiori giganti. Chi di voi come me e' un pochino 'granny chic' nel profondo? }

* Read/see more about Danish artist Nina Saunders here
   Her best work is fashioned from discarted or second-hand armchairs. Some of them   looking as they are melting, others stripped by their original domestic comfort...

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