
wANna pLAy?

+++ It was Erik's day! Surely the top of the holiday for him: a whole day in playmobil park, near Nürnberg. Nürnberg is apparently the city in Germany with the biggest number of children attractions. From science musea, to train musea, to theme parks, to bare feet walks to stimulate the senses, you name it they have it. We could only choose one thing due to lack of time and this was it.
Not sure if little Erik could recognize playmobil characters, the thing is of no importance though. The place is full of open air (and indoors) entertainment where children can play with eachother, with water, run, climb, experiment, and naturally have all the existing-on-the-market playmobil sets on their hands. Totally inexpensive too. 
Definitely recommend it if you have a little one! [psst....enjoyable for parents too]... and don't forget to take your swimming costume along.
tagged for delight
the spaceship area
entering the bats-cave labyrinth
escaping the cave
pause for mama and papa
king of the castle
milking cows at the farm
a visit to the pirates
water games
rivers for lots of boats
little viking among big vikings



  1. Anonymous16/7/12 10:12

    Grazie Stefi per avermi messo a conoscenza di questo posto, e di questa meravigliosa città! ..segnata nella lista delle prossime mete!


    1. Siiii, spero ci torneremo insieme e magari in camper e magari le facciamo tutte le attività con i bimbi piccoli (e bimbi grandi) :-)

    2. Anonymous17/7/12 09:31



  2. Anonymous4/8/12 21:35

    Bellissimo!!! lo studierò bene questo parco, noi in casa siamo letteralmente sommersi dai Playmobil!!!!

    Cristina :)

    1. Vale sicuramente la pena una visita (o due) ;-)


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